Put Down The Cake

With an affinity for anything coated in chocolate, and a struggle to balance both my addiction/ambivalence to exercise, I started this blog to help inspire myself (and hopefully others) to put down the food and get moving. If we lose a few pounds along the way, and create some awesome sweat stains in the process, then the rest is, as they say... cake!

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Every visit has a story

You can often tell the frequency of my visits to the gym, with my frequency of fitness blogging. No blogging is a sure fire symptom of either a hectic schedule, or a lazy butt. I'm going to suggest that this time it has been a combination of the two. You can always pinpoint this connection to the fact that almost every time I go to the gym, I see or hear something to blog about. Whether it's the man who is straining so hard to lift the seriously over loaded weights that he placed on his bar, and he is grunting and turning blue, (why, why do they do this, wouldn't it be more impressive to avoid showing what it looks like when you are having a serious bowel movement?), or the young lady who finds it necessary to photograph herself with her cell phone camera in the mirror while she shows off her cute little workout outfit (I don't think she even worked out at all, and the joke is on her because I'm pretty sure that the poop man was in her frame as well)...

It's not for a lack of desire that I have been absent from the gym. I miss the thrill of running on the treadmill and manually switching the speed when I'm running. One time I mistakenly hit 35 miles an hour and i guess the safety feature wasn't on, because instead of the leisurely 3.5mph cooldown I wanted, i saw my life flash before my eyes as I started to careen backwards until I straddled the machine, out of breath and with a sinking suspicion that I might have wet myself.

I worked out 5 times last week, so here I am, beating the New Year's rush to the gym. It's like a deserted town these days. I only have a few weeks left of the peace and quiet. After New Year's the gym fills back up with all the people that have set a goal for themselves. I should have plenty more to post then, until about May when everyone forgets how much they wanted to be there.

I'm still here, and really, I can't say that I've been abandoning the dessert because it's Christmas and I feel the full weight of Holiday cheer when I step on the scale, though I'm hoping to keep the carnage to a minimum...


  1. ....aannnddd shes back! i was so afraid (by reading your post title) this was going to be about the visit you had to my house today and leaving with a plate full of chocolate chip cookies. whew!

  2. wow, Heather. Thanks for outing me in a big way. lol.
